mardi 21 septembre 2010

This may get you to think.

It has been said before that anyone who gives people the illusion that they are thinking will be loved by them, whereas anyone who actually prompts them to think will be hated by them.

It si very much talked about in universities on how exciting it is to think. One obviously cannot claim that thinking has no excitement or satisfaction, but we really don't think in order to enjoy ourselves, rather in order to understand life, which is troubling and problematic. In other words, we think because we are compelled to. Therefore, while we are thinking we should not need to tell ourselves that we are having fun, but it should be enough to realise that we are behaving with the seriousness, rationality, and discipline that any situation requires of us.

In this context, and under the assumption that our social order depends heavily on tradition and habit (both being resilient to genuine change), Arab society may have an inherent bias against original thoguht. Add to that the urge for modernity, which created the need for quick, reliable information, along with the advent of technology, which made attaining sometimes irrelevant information much easier; we find the Arab mind compelled to look for solutions to its problems, rather than, think of the problems themselves.

Needless to say that, only a few great thinkers and demi-Gods create profound ideas and illuminate reality, and thus guide action and research. But the fact that the most influential thinking is done by a few demi-Gods, does not mean that all others need not think, and that Arabs particularly don't need to think at all. For one thing, the great thinkers do not agree, and often offer different and contradictory ideas. So how can we decide which ideas to accept, if we don't do some thinking of our own?. Furthermore, how do we become willing to commit ourselves to certain ideas, instinctively and unconditionally, knowing only too well that we haven't experienced the minimum of the labor and doubt which has originally gone into creating them?

The history of political thoguht shown how doubt continuously pursues though, and frequently overtakes it. There is no more agreement concerning political truth now, than there was 2,500 years ago, when politcial thought probably took shape. There is even less agreemtn over economic mantras.

Consequently, it is exceedingly necessary for us to try reasoning the ultimate ends, and fundamental assumptions governing our lives. The lack of collective thinking in the Arab world, has produced personalities which manage the various systems, and consider the defficiencies in the systems they manage, as remediable only within the confines of the precription ideas they adhere to. Which opens further the gates of parasitical intellectual appropriation. In the mean time the rest of the citizenry, end up with compulsion, submission, and admission of defeat.

Is it what they prescribe, to be sold as compatible with our nature?. Swallowing policies lock, stock and barrel without any thinking, will never release the energies of the Arab people towards a socially beneficial direction.

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