mardi 5 avril 2011


By Khairi Janbek.

Look at the world and what can you claim
If idiotic a man, if treacherus a dame
Without choice into it crying you came
Looking for a hanger, the gamut of life to blame

A helpless creature awaiting to be tagged with a name
A portion of that tag tour only source of acclaim
With every misstep you are born totally lame
Whatever is left over life will either kill or maim.

Whether one reality or another, you will end up the same
Your life is frozen in time, and stuck inside a frame
The sould you want to free, its your soul you must tame
For the wise life is a dream, for a a fool only a game

In the path of love there's neither sin nor shame
Seek not the desolate glory nor the ephemeral fame
Maybe life serves a purpose and creation has an aim
Take it or leave it is the answer, but burn heaven with eternal flame.

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